
Homes By Western is well known for the quality of our Housing Developments and is well placed to developing stylish, environmentally friendly, desirable homes offering affordability to potential home owners and first time buyers. The idea is as simple as it is practical: Provide modern housing that can help do its bit for both the environment and your pocket.

Our favoured construction method for our many housing developments is timber frame, offering a fast, eco-friendly, highly-insulated building solution. By utilising this method of construction Homes By Western has helped to achieve air tight homes helping home owners to save energy and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

In the last five years the construction community has become answerable to the “zero carbon” challenge. No longer can we build homes and commercial buildings that consume vast about amounts of carbon in their construction but equally we can no longer afford to build poorly constructed homes and buildings that do not optimise the fabric first message… ‘how to achieve sustainability, high thermal performance and cost efficiency’. For these reasons alone timber frame is the fastest growing method of construction in the UK & Ireland.


It is no surprise that the first homes reaching Code levels 5 and 6 were timber frame buildings. Timber frame is a perfect fit with the low carbon agenda and more and more architects appreciate its benefits; finding it much easier to achieve very high insulation levels, fewer defects and increased air tightness, all with extremely low embodied energy.